Simplification of Mindfulness

Having practised breathe with movement for over a decade, these are a few personal insights into practising Mindfulness. Another way of terming Mindfulness is Awareness of Breathing. When this was explained to me a while ago the whole idea of “Mindfulness” made much more sense to me. Whilst Mindfulness is not something I particularly enjoy, it is something that maintains my wellbeing.

Some of my main hinderance have been the thoughts;

“I cant Meditate.”

Sleepiness and Distraction

There are lots of other hinderances, but the intention of this article is not to discuss the barriers to mindfulness. There are other articles for this. The intention is to give insight in having explored mindfulness at length, some of the exercises that felt accessible and achievable.

Here are a couple of Mindfulness exercises that maybe helpful to those people who find mindfulness difficult:

  • The mindfulness of breathing or awareness of breathing that can be undertaken while practising creative pursuits. Bringing awareness to the breathe rather than the mind chatter
  • Breathing in and counting to 10 then exhalinh
  • Mantra: My breathe is my anchor, my anchor is my breathe
  • Mindfulness with Mudra when you can’t concentrate eg sa, ta, na, ma
  • Be the witness, or observer to yourself
  • Guided meditations eg apps, cds
  • Accept the flaws when mind is like a flapping fish and bringing kindness to your flaws rather than listening to our “Inner Critic”
  • Diarying for mindfulness
  • Gardening
  • Nature walks
  • Walking for mindfulness
  • Vase on the top of your head visualisation. The idea that you need to be so mindful that the water does not spill out of the vase

Energy Awareness

We create an electromagnetic connections with people we work with. Consider the dynamics of the relationships with your colleagues, you can change the energy you express. As you know, your thoughts, words, actions and emotions are all powerful expressions of your personal energy. Your thoughts and words affect those you associate with and you develop energetic connections with the people you regularly associate with ie your work relations. Strive to consciously choose the energy you express in the world.

We create an electromagnetic connections with people we work with. Consider the dynamics of the relationships with your colleagues, you can change the energy you express. As you know, your thoughts, words, actions and emotions are all powerful expressions of your personal energy. Your thoughts and words affect those you associate with and you develop energetic connections with the people you regularly associate with ie your work relations. Strive to consciously choose the energy you express in the world.

Spiritual beliefs generated by you and accepted into your reality can be deeply understood and manifested as you learn to skilfully organise and focus your energy. The Universal Calibration Lattice is the system in your energy anatomy that supports the acceleration of evolution.

  1. Individual or Personal Electromagnetic Field
  2. Family  Electromagnetic Field
  3. Pet  Electromagnetic Field
  4. Collective  Electromagnetic Field
  5. Spiritual Beliefs  Electromagnetic Field

Personal Electromagnetic field consists of the following:

  1. Subtle body energy, qi, aura, chakra 
  2. Arcline, or halo energy that surrounds your head, 
  3. Auric energy surround your physical body
  4. Pranic body that is affected  by your breathe
  5. Subtle Body: enables intuition
  6. Radiant Body is what enables us to have spiritual courage

Radiant Health Meditation

Radiate Core Energy

Here is a simple exercise called “Radiating Core Energy” to use in everyday situations. This will protect your aura, or your electro-magnetic field to ensure that you feel more energised and well.

  1. Centre below: Sense, feel imagine, or think about a golden ball of energy, located about 24 inches (60 centimetres) below your feet.
  2. Centre above: Sense, feel imagine, or think about a golden ball of energy located 24 inches (60 centimetres) above your head. 
  3. Radiate Core Energy: radiate your core energy in all directions, like a brilliant, fluorescent beacon. Once again you will sense, imagine, feel white light around you. Then, think about the sensation of radiating your core energy. When you hold your energy in this posture, spiritual intelligence (and much more becomes available to you).
  4. Summarised visualisation: centre below, centre above, radiate core energy, and then silently or aloud, state the intention to radiate core energy. Practice this posture so that you may live in it daily.
  5. This meditation can enhance your feelings of peace. Your aura becomes stronger and more radiant. This may assist you in coping better in all aspects of your life. You energy may now fee more balanced. You can do this anywhere and coincidences synchronicity may increase.

My Guidance for Intuit Headspace

Reflecting on Positive Conduct while online to become ethical and behave in a respectable manner.

  1. Positive Communication
  2. Financial Positivity
  3. Positive Sexual Conduct
  4. Respect 
  5. Privacy
  6. Positive about all Organisations, Religions, Spirituality and Atheism
  7. Slow Dancing or Mindfulness are good suggestions
  8. Think less especially while watching videos and films to respect the others

Positive Communication

Non-violent Communication

No Name Calling

Avoid swearing, apologise if you swear and aim to swear less next time

Financial Positivity

Towards self and others

Positive Sexual Conduct

Non-judgmental attitude to sexual conduct

Respect for the Institution of Marriage

Discreet open relationships

Lesbian, Gay, Hetro-sexual and Abstinence acceptance


Respect of self and Organisations inc. Government, Banks, Monarchy, Religions


Medical Records and private life, try not share information about others if they may not want others to disclose this.

Positive about all Religions, Spirituality and Atheism

Spirituality to be used for good intent only. No cursing, no ill-intent towards other beings.

Slow Dancing or Mindfulness through life is a good suggestion

Positive Communications if we bug or astral project

Allow Reflection Time